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Release Notes 11.114.1


Release Date

HO Version11.114.1
POS Version1.114.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.6
Features & Enhancements08
Bug Fixes00

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker



City master has now been transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Sales & Distribution – Setup – Customers – City Master

Enhancement Summary:

The GINESYS City master window has been provided for creating and maintaining a record of the various cities a GINESYS user might do his business in. Existence of the master form allows the details of the cities to flow automatically as and when required, they can also be made extinct when they are obsolete.

Only UI changes have been made, with minor functional modifications.

Note: All actions of the City master form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.


Credit Rating master has now been transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Sales & Distribution – Setup – Customers – Credit Rating

Enhancement Summary:

Credit rating is an analysis of the credit risks associated with a commercial entity. It is a rating given to a particular entity based on the past transactional credentials of the company.

In GINESYS, it is a management reporting tool - an optional feature, which if implemented, can list the customers depending on the rating. Now it has been moved to GINESYS Web.

Only UI changes have been made, with minor functional modifications. Please follow the given link for more details.
Credit Rating

Note: All actions of the Credit Rating form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.


Price List master has now been transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Sales & Distribution – Setup – Customers – Price List

Enhancement Summary:

A Price List is a listing of prices for different products. Usually multiple price lists are created to cater to the organizations’ various need of maintaining separate price structures for different selling regions and for different customers. The lists of prices tie the unit, product, and pricing details together; the price lists tell users the selling value of the products.

The GINESYS Price Lists master form has been provided for creating and maintaining a record of the various price lists catering to the above requirements. Existence of the master form allows the price lists to be re-usable and can be made extinct when they are not applicable any more.

Only UI changes have been made, with minor functional modifications. Please follow the given link for more details.

Note: All operations of the Price list master form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.



Sales Form master has now been transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Sales & Distribution – Setup – Invoice Overheads – Forms

Enhancement Summary:

Forms are documents that determine the applicable taxes on any sale / transfer. It provides flexibility and ease of use for taxes.

The GINESYS Sales Form master window has been provided for creating and maintaining a record of the various taxes to be applied to Sales and Transfer documents. Existence of the master form allows the Forms to be re-applicable and allow them to be extinct when they are obsolete.

Only UI changes have been made, with minor functional modifications.

Note: All operations of the Sales Form master form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.


Charge master has now been transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Sales & Distribution – Setup – Invoice Overheads – Charge

Enhancement Summary:

Charge, also known as Transactional Cost, is an extra amount levied upon the basic or gross value of goods sold to a customer. It includes costs like delivery costs or discounts or duties paid to any government or statutory body for making that sale (i.e. different types of taxes) etc.

The GINESYS Charge master form has been provided for creating and maintaining a record of the various charges needed to complete a Sale Transaction. Existence of the master form allows the charges to be re-usable and allow the charges to be extinct when they are not needed any more.

Only UI changes have been made, with minor functional modifications. Please follow the given link for more details.

Note: All operations of the Sales Charge master form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.


Term master has now been transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Sales & Distribution – Setup – Invoice Overheads – Terms

Enhancement Summary:

Term is a combination of different types of Charges that can be charged together in a single Sales Invoice from any customer. It provides flexibility and ease of use for Charges.

The GINESYS Term master window has been provided for creating and maintaining a record of the various terms to be applied to Sales and Sales Return documents. Existence of the master form allows the terms to be re-applicable and allow them to be extinct when they are obsolete.

Only UI changes have been made, with minor functional modifications. Please follow the given link for more details.

Note: All operations of the Sales Term master form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.


Trade Group master has now been transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Sales & Distribution – Setup – Invoice Overheads – Trade Group

Enhancement Summary:

The Trade Group is a grouping created for similar kind / type of Sales to allow for easy application of various charges. Now the Sales and Distribution module which is available in GINESYS Web has a Setup menu - where the trade groups, which have been created during implementation, can have their description fields and extinction fields modified and updated by users having requisite privileges. By default Local, Inter State, Export/Import, - Trade Groups are automatically created while implementation.

For example, a major charge that affects sales is Tax payment and taxes are different for each distinct type of sales; so for every type of sales a separate Trade Group based on tax is created. So all vendors tagged to these trade groups will automatically have the relevant taxes applied on their sales.

Note: Tax and other charges are defined in the Charge Master and then tagged to Terms which forms the connection between Trade Groups and Charge Master.
Please follow the given link for more details.

Note: All operations of the Trade Group master form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.


Promotion Definition now transferred to Web


GINESYS Web – Retail Management – Promotion – Manage – Definition

Enhancement Summary:

Now it will be possible for GINESYS users to define their promotions from anywhere as long as they can access GINESYS Web. Depending upon their assigned privileges, they will be able to view existing promotions, define new promotions and also perform modifications or delete them.
The entire functionality of Promotion Definition has been transferred to the Web from GINESYS Desktop.

The user interface for Definition of promotions has undergone major revamp to make it more user-friendly.
Please follow the given link for more details.

Note: All actions of the Promotion Definition form are user role app operation driven and can only be executed by those with proper privileges.

Known Issues:

  • Assortment modification is not allowed from Promotion definition.
  • Document wise item selection option is not available for Promotion definition